Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Workshop on responding to the LETR

Long title
Teaching Legal Ethics UK: Workshop on responding to the Legal Education and Training Review
Drake, Phil
Toddington, Stuart
Nicolson, Donald
Curran, Eleanor
Bright, Keren
Duncan, Nigel
Ferris, Graham
Webley, Lisa
Author(s)' contact information
Conference title
Teaching Legal Ethics UK: Workshop on responding to the Legal Education and Training Review
Conference location
The City Law School, London, UK
United Kingdom
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This workshop was designed to explore different ways of responding to the recommendations of the UK Legal Education and Training Review insofar as they relate to legal values and ethics. It incorporated three major presentations:
'The Depths of Dialogue: Ethics, Interests and the Behavioural Economics of ‘Collaborative’ Lawyering' Phil Drake and Stuart Toddington;
'Teaching ethics experientially: using student diaries to foster and assess moral development' Donald Nicolson;
'Moral Philosophy and Moral Reasoning - A Suitable Basis for Legal Ethics Teaching at the Academic Stage' Eleanor Curran;
plus a panel session by four presenters entitled: 'Responding to the Ethics and Values Recommendations of the Legal Education and Training Review: What, Why and How?'
Keren Bright, Nigel Duncan, Graham Ferris and Lisa Webley.
The programme with abstracts plus the presentations (six Powerpoints and one Word document) are all attached to this post.
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