Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

The future of legal education

Long title
The future of legal education: professional development and ethics
Duncan, Nigel
Author(s)' contact information
Conference title
The Value of Legal Education
Conference location
Nottingham Law School
United Kingdom
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Nottingham Law School's Centre for Legal Education is delighted to announce a conference on legal education on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 February 2014 at Nottingham Trent University.
View our CLE 2014 promotional video for further information and brief overview.
Confirmed speakers
We are delighted to announce the following speakers have already confirmed they will be presenting at the conference:
Julie Brannan, Director of Education and Training for Solicitors Regulation Authority
Professor Jane Ching, Nottingham Law School
Professor Nigel Duncan, City University Law School
Professor John Flood, University of Westminster
Dr Jess Guth, Bradford University
John Harman, learning designer, technologist and educational strategist
Professor Rebecca Huxley-Binns, Nottingham Law School
Tom Nguyen, Head of Legal, Standard Chartered Bank, Hanoi
Professor Judith Wegner, Burton Craige Professor of Law, University of North Carolina, one of the authors of the Carnegie Report on legal education in the USA.
Professor Scott Slorach, University of Law
Colin Witcher, Barrister at One Inner Temple Lane
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The event will attract six SRA CPD points per day.
Teaching Methods

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