LawBridge Legal Residency Program
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LawBridge: A Legal Residency Program that provides guidance beyond law school
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LawBridge™ was created by FIU College of Law and combines approaches used in medical residency programs with those used in business incubator settings. This hybrid, apprentice-style approach helps new lawyers start their solo practitioner journey. LawBridge™ is open to recent FIU Law graduates who have been admitted to practice in Florida. The two year enrollment commitment requires that the participant house their solo practice within the LawBridge™ facilities. Each participant is expected to establish a client base, manage all aspects of the attorney-client relationship, and oversee all business aspects of the practice. FIU Law will provide guidance in establishing and operating each participant’s law practice and will provide training in professionalism and ethics. FIU LawBridge™ participants are also expected to engage in the community through extensive pro-bono services intended to provide further experience and foster deeper community ties.
Support services will be provided in the areas of marketing, public relations, accounting and financial planning. An office space, in the heart of Miami’s financial district, with exquisitely designed reception areas, conference rooms and work spaces offers participants the opportunity to work in an environment similar to that of a large law firm.
Support services will be provided in the areas of marketing, public relations, accounting and financial planning. An office space, in the heart of Miami’s financial district, with exquisitely designed reception areas, conference rooms and work spaces offers participants the opportunity to work in an environment similar to that of a large law firm.
United States
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