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Orange County Modest Means Program

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Orange County Bar Association: Lawyer Referral and Information Service
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Orange County Bar Association
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LRIS screens each call to determine if the caller should be referred to an attorney. Only callers in need of legal assistance and able to pay an attorney are referred to LRIS panel members. Callers unable to afford attorneys’ fees are guided toward community pro bono services or to attorneys on the national award winning LRIS Modest Means program.
Through the Modest Means program, residents of Orange County who are unable to afford legal assistance, but do not meet the eligibility requirements of local pro bono services, are referred to attorneys who agree to assist them at substantially reduced rates. The Modest Mean program covers the areas of Bankruptcy, Consumer Law, Elder Law, Family Law, Housing (Landlord/Tenant) and Immigration. There is a $25 administrative fee, except for the area of Family Law. Clients must meet specific income guidelines to qualify. An LRIS Representative will do a brief screening by telephone. Attorneys may require you to complete a form and attach income verification to confirm eligibility.
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