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Guidance on Writing a Diary

Long title
Guidance on Writing a Diary Excerpted from Introduction to the Ethics and Justice Honours class University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Teaching material type
Other teaching material
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Donald Nicolson
Teacher(s)'/ Author(s)' contact information

Writing a Diary is an exercise in extended reflection on experience. It involves at least three aspects of Kolb’s learning cycle:
having a concrete experience,
reflection on that experience
the development of a new, or adjustment of an old, theory (what he calls abstract conceptualisation)
Moreover, if similar experiences are repeated within relevant period of reflection it might also involve a fourth – active experimentation. This would involve the application of a new theory of action, thought, feelings or values to a new experience relevant to the first one. According, a diary entry should involve at least three element (with active experimentation possibly coming up in a late entry, allowing for further reflection, abstract conceptualisation, etc):
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