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Leadership Development for Military Lawyers

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Leadership Development for Military Lawyers (syllabus)
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Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Teacher(s)'/ Author(s)' contact information
for information, contact Lieutenant Colonel Ben Grimes
United States
I’m attaching the Professional Development Program (syllabus) we’re currently using at the JAG School to guide the growth of our mid-career officers. Some of the topics covered are (of course) Army-specific, but I think it shows pretty nicely what sorts of things can be done to get students and attorneys thinking about their obligations to the profession (for us, that’s both lawyering and soldiering) and about the development of those around them. Similar time might be taken in other contexts to talk about the particular ways a school, firm, or agency might function and the value of investing time, attention, and care into subordinates and co-workers of all kinds.
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