Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Connecting legal and judicial ethics to protecting sexual minority youth

Teaching material type
Reading assignment
Teacher(s)/ Author(s)
Valentine, Sarah
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United States
This is a short law review article of which a substantial portion connects portions of the Model Rules and the Model Code of Judicial Conduct to protecting sexual minority youth in the juvenile justice system. What may make it interesting for students is that it uses the experience of one transgender youth to explore the potential redress she might have against her attorney. Through this exploration the piece hopefully illustrates the incredible effect poor or ethically suspect lawyering may have on a relatively powerless client.
The full title is:
When Your Attorney Is Your Enemy: Preliminary Thoughts On Ensuring Effective
Representation For Queer Youth, 19 COLUM. J. GENDER & L. 773 (2010).
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