Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Australian Good Practice Guide

Long title
Good Practice Guide (Bachelor of Laws): Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Author(s) or Editor(s)
Evers, Maxine
Houston, Leanne
Redmond, Paul
Author(s)' contact information
Faculty of Law
University of Technology
Sydney, Australia
Good Practice Guide (Bachelor of Laws): Ethics and Professional Responsibility (Threshold Learning Outcome 2)

This Good Practice Guide (16 pages plus 8 page bibliography) was commissioned by the Law Associate Deans Network of Australia to support the implementation of Threshold Learning Outcome 2: Ethics and professional responsibility.
Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) for the Bachelor of Laws were developed in 2010 as part of the Learning and Teaching Academic Standards (LTAS) Project, led by Professors Sally Kift and Mark Israel. TLO 2: Ethics and professional responsibility is one of the six TLOs developed for the Bachelor of Laws.
This Good Practice Guide is a resource for academics who teach ethics and
professional responsibility, in whatever shape or form, to facilitate student learning and the development of skills as set out in TLO 2:
• an understanding of approaches to ethical decision-making
• an ability to exercise and reflect upon, and a developing ability to respond to, ethical issues likely to arise in professional contexts
• an ability to exercise and reflect upon the professional responsibilities of lawyers in
promoting justice and in service to the community
• a developing ability to exercise professional judgment.
This Guide includes information about both the subject matter (ethics and professional responsibility) and how best to teach it (educational theory and practice).
Support for this report has been provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd., an initiative of the Australian Government. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council or the Australian Government.
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