Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

IBA RESOLUTION on Deterring Bribery in International Business Transactions (Adopted 1996)

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IBA RESOLUTION on Deterring Bribery in International Business Transactions (Adopted 1996)
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International Bar Association
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IBA Website
Recommends that adoption by national governments of legislative, executive, and other measures that:
1 deter corrupt practices in the conduct of international business;
2 establish as offences under domestic law, in accordance with internationally recognised jurisdictional principles, acts or omissions undertaken to make or to conceal corrupt payments in the conduct of international business;
3 facilitate international co-operation for the purpose of deterring corrupt practices in the conduct of international business;
4 deny the tax deductibility of bribes to foreign officials in the conduct of international business, and
5 would require multilateral lending institutions to adopt, implement, and enforce effective measurers designed to deter corrupt practices in the conduct of international business.
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