Comments: National Organization of Bar Counsel
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National Organization of Bar Counsel Comments re: ABA Task Force on the Future of Legal Education: Draft Report and Recommendations (September 2013)
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United States
NOBC comments to the ABA Task Force on the Future of the Legal Profession with an additional attachment of the NOBC Law School Professionalism Initiatives Report.
...the NOBC is very pleased with many of the recommendations included in the draft report and look forward to additional discussions in regard to our comments. We urge the task force report not be presented at the next House of Delegates meeting... changes will not occur swiftly and it is important to allow more time for reflection by those likely to be very supportive of the report as a whole.
...the NOBC is very pleased with many of the recommendations included in the draft report and look forward to additional discussions in regard to our comments. We urge the task force report not be presented at the next House of Delegates meeting... changes will not occur swiftly and it is important to allow more time for reflection by those likely to be very supportive of the report as a whole.
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