Exporting the Incubator
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Exporting the Legal Incubator: a Conversation with Fred Rooney
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UMass Law Review
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United States
Fred Rooney is the Director of the International Justice Center for Post-Graduate Development at Touro Law Center.1 As the inaugural director of the City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law’s Community Legal Resource Network (CLRN), he pioneered the first law-school based Legal Incubator (Incubator). In 2012, Mr.
Rooney applied for a Fulbright Scholarship with the goal of exporting the Incubator to the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) in the Dominican Republic. This is an edited transcript of an interview with Mr. Rooney about the creation of the CLRN, the evolution and growth of legal incubators, and his experience launching the Community Legal Services Center (Centro Comunitario de Servicios Legales or CECSEL) at the UASD. Included
in the text are comments from the Attorney General of the Dominican Republic, Francisco Domínguez Brito as well as comments from three of the lawyers at CECSEL
Rooney applied for a Fulbright Scholarship with the goal of exporting the Incubator to the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) in the Dominican Republic. This is an edited transcript of an interview with Mr. Rooney about the creation of the CLRN, the evolution and growth of legal incubators, and his experience launching the Community Legal Services Center (Centro Comunitario de Servicios Legales or CECSEL) at the UASD. Included
in the text are comments from the Attorney General of the Dominican Republic, Francisco Domínguez Brito as well as comments from three of the lawyers at CECSEL
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