Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Elite Values

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Elite Values in Twenty-First Century, United Kingdom, Law Schools
Bradney, Antony
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The Law Teacher
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United Kingdom
This is one of seven articles collected into a Special Issue of the Law Teacher, published in 2008. The special issue constitutes a reprise of an article by Burridge and Webb, published in 2007, vol. 10, 1 Legal Ethics, pp 72-97 and a series of responses to the arguments presented in that article. It concludes with a response to those articles by Burridge and Webb.
Tony Bradney starts with the idea of liberal neutrality in the law school and explores its relation to values. While insisting that liberal education is not an education in values this is not to say that it is value-free. What is more, it is an education about values. He identifies the values inherent in the liberal neutrality he espouses and points out that there may be implicit values in the decisions taken and actions undertaken by law schools. He uses the Law Benchmark criterion of 'teamworking' as a focus for his analysis, showing the inevitability of values underlying the adoption of such a goal and the risk of conflict with other values inherent in liberal legal education. He concludes by embracing the idea that legal education is elitist, but by carefully defining this concept and, relating it back to the esteem in which its inherent values are held, challenges the proposal that it is against social inclusion.
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