Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Educating for Wellbeing in Professional Practice

Long title
Educating for Wellbeing in Professional Practice
Conference location
City Law School, Gray's Inn, London, WC1R 5DX
United Kingdom
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
City Law School, City, University of London
Society of Legal Scholars
Profession Education and Regulation in Law
Portsmouth University
Sponsor(s)' contact information
Prof Nigel Duncan,
City Law School, City, University of London,
4, Gray's Inn Place,
London WC1R 5DX
Conference Description

This workshop took place on 20th June at City Law School with the title Educating for Wellbeing in Professional Practice: an interdisciplinary approach, and was organized by Nigel Duncan and Caroline Strevens.
The day included a presentations from Sarah Campbell, Mental Health Provision Lead, City, and Abigail Levin and Kirsty Harrison (City) who are working with speech and language therapists on managing safe spaces. This resulted in much discussion of managing undergraduates on clinical placements and dealing with malpractice and ethical dilemmas.
Caroline Strevens (Portsmouth) discussed two empirical projects she had run with law teachers, and with dental and law students that pointed to the possible beneficial impact on wellbeing of being able to live your life in a way that fulfills personal values.
Caroline Strevens and Isobel Ryder (Adult Nursing Lead Portsmouth) applied self-determination theory’s view of influencing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and discussed how this might be used within the curriculum in the new health justice student clinic that is being established in Portsmouth.
Nigel Duncan extended the discussion into resilience and positive motivation by evaluating the experience of his law clinic students working with real clients in domestic violence, employment and social security cases.
The day concluded with an attempt to answer the deep questions posed by Professor Chris Megone (Leeds) and Leonie Venhoeven (Dijksterhuis & Van Baaren) on how we should choose to live our lives and brought us back to the notion that how living out ethical values may be linked to the well-being one achieves.
The Workshop programme and the presentations used as the basis of each workshop session are attached.

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