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2016 International Clinical Education Conference

Long title
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education/Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education 2016 conference - The Risks and Rewards of Clinic
Conference location
University of Toronto
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education
Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education
Sponsor(s)' contact information

Conference Description
2015 Conference
ACCLE 2015 Full Conference Program – PDF ACCLE – 6th Annual Conference: The Place of Clinical Legal Education
University of Saskatchewan College of Law, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan October 23-24, 2015
The Association of Canadian Clinical Legal Education (ACCLE) is pleased to host its 6th Annual Conference at the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan from October 23-24, 2015. This year’s conference will focus on “The Place of Clinical Legal Education”. Through a mix of plenary and break-out sessions, we will explore this theme of “place” by considering questions such as:
•How do clinics “locate” themselves within the communities and places where they exist?
•How does clinical legal education respond to the forces that have displaced communities both historically and currently?
•How should clinic lawyers and students think about our place as advocates for marginalized members of communities and our place within the larger legal community?
•As legal education as a whole faces a shifting landscape, where is clinical legal education located now and in the future?
In addition to presentations that speak to the issue of “place”, the program will also include a number of sessions that explore core themes in Canadian clinical legal education, including: innovative pedagogies and new and “traditional” models of clinical legal education.
NEW: For more details about the sessions and the various topics, view the ACCLE 2015 Full Conference Program – PDF.
Conference Schedule
This year’s ACCLE Conference runs for two full days, October 23-24, 2015. Conference registration begins on Friday, October 23, 2015 at 8:30 AM, with the official program beginning at 9 am. The conference will conclude by 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 24, 2015.
On the evening on October 23, there is an optional conference reception at the conference hotel, the Sheraton Cavalier, overlooking the stunning South Saskatchewan River. The cost of the reception is $50 and includes a series of hot and cold stations and a complimentary drink ticket. Vegetarian and vegan options will be provided and a cash bar will be available.
Registration & Hotel
Registration for this year’s conference in Saskatoon is now open! Visit our registration page for more information about the conference, the schedule and accommodations. Don’t delay as early bird pricing expires September 15, 2015.
The conference hotel is the Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon. Book by September 22, 2015 to take advantage of our special conference rate! Book online or by phone at 306 667 0158 and quote code #2J22AA or “ACCLE Conference” when booking.
Pre-Conference Events:
This year, ACCLE is sponsoring two additional pre-conference events on Thursday, October 22, 2015.
Community Tour: To kick off our conference theme of “place” this year, our host clinic CLASSIC (Community Legal Assistance Services for Saskatoon Inner City Inc.) invites participants to join them for a tour of their downtown Saskatoon community from 2 – 3:30 pm.
Are you interested in writing and publishing? Join us for our Second Annual Pre-Conference Writing Workshop on Thursday, October 22, 2015, from 4 – 7 pm. This workshop is designed to bring together those who may have a piece of writing well underway, one or more formulated ideas for a paper, or simply an idea that has been percolating.
The Workshop will be facilitated by Janet Mosher, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School. Janet has a long-standing involvement in clinical legal education, having served as Academic Director of the Intensive Program in Poverty Law at Parkdale Community Legal Services and as Osgoode’s Director of Clinical Legal Education. Her research, writing and activism (which she likes to think of as inter-connected) have focused on access to justice, poverty law and violence against women.
At the Conference
Do you have any food restrictions or accommodation needs we should be aware of? If so, please email to discuss.
Our Host City
Interested in touring beautiful Saskatoon? Visit Tourism Saskatoon website to learn more about all the City has to offer visitors.
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