Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

APPE Twenty-fourth Annual Conference

Long title
APPE Twenty-fourth Annual Conference
Conference location
Hilton Hotel Orange County/Costa Mesa, California
United States
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Sponsor(s)' contact information
For questions, call: (812) 855-6450
Conference Description

Twenty-fourth Annual International Conference Announcement
Hilton Hotel Orange County/Costa Mesa, California
Thursday, February 19 – Sunday, February 22, 2015
**Deadline for Abstracts Extended to 10/31**
Call for Papers and Presentations
This call invites submissions for the APPE international conference from individuals in all disciplines and professions interested in advancing understanding, teaching and the practice of ethics. Submissions are welcomed in practical and professional ethics in all fields, including: Business, Engineering, Government, Journalism and Media, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Research, Social Work as well as interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary topics that cut across professions such as Action Research, Biomedical, Education Environmental, Public Health, and Research Ethics.
Submission categories include: (1) Formal Papers or Individual Presentations; (2) Panel Discussions; (3) Pedagogical Demonstrations; (4) Case Study Presentations; (5) Posters and (6) Creative Arts Presentations (e.g., short play, poetry, or fiction).
Special Program Topics
As a multi and interdisciplinary Association we encourage participation and submissions in three special topic areas that cut across all areas of research, teaching, and professional practice:
Climate Change and Environmental Ethics
The 2015 conference Keynote Address will focus on Climate Change. The ethical decisions individuals and institutions make today on climate and the environment will determine the current and future life of all human beings and the planet. As Bishop Desmond Tutu has declared climate change is “the human rights challenge of our time” given its disproportionate impact on the poor. The APPE conference in Costa Mesa strongly encourages submissions from all areas of ethics – business, engineering, law, media, medicine, and research – who address this topic.
Empirical Ethics
A special topic track of programs will focus on Empirical Ethics and welcomes papers or panels that explore the application, conceptual or policy issues. Topics may include history and development, best practices, creative methods, the relationship of theory and practice, and the future of empirical ethics.
International Ethics
The topics in practical and professional ethics are increasingly international in content and scope. The ethical cases we study in the classroom, the collaborative work done in research laboratories, and impact from the workplace demand a global appreciation and perspective. In keeping with the Association’s expanding international membership and global attendance at our international conferences, we welcome submissions that focus on ethical concerns worldwide. Individual sessions and panel discussions may focus on topics of international concern or may represent perspectives from various cultures and countries.
Paper Competitions and Awards
Best Formal Paper by an Early Career Scholar – $500 prize
Karen M. T. Muskavitch Award for Graduate Work in Practical Ethics – $500 prize
Best Formal Paper by a Graduate Student – $500 prize
Best Formal Paper on Pre-College Ethics – $750 First prize and $500 Second prize
Undergraduate Formal Paper Competition – Free Conference Registration
For more information, see the Special Paper Competition Submission Categories page.
Author Presentations
We especially encourage authors of new books on practical and professional ethics to submit a presentation and have their book showcased in the APPE Book Resource Room during the conference. Authors may submit for one or both of the following categories at the Annual Meeting: (1) Author Meets the Critics and (2) Lunch with an Author discussions. APPE invites all authors of new work to participate in the exclusive Author Recognition Reception and Book Signing during the Annual Meeting.
For additional information, registration, and updates on the 2015 APPE Annual International Conference, see the Annual Conference page of the APPE website.
Submission Guidelines and Categories
2015 APPE Submission Form
Important Dates and Deadlines
August Registration is Open!!
October 10 Author Book Submissions **Extended to October 31, 2014**
October 17 Program Submissions (For everything but Book Submissions and Special Paper Competitions) **Extended to October 31, 2014**
November 3 Paper Competition Submissions
November 28 End of Early Bird Registration
December Notification of Program Presenters
January 9 Deadline for Audio Visual Request Forms
January 9 National Ethics Bowl Team Registration ends
January 9 Publisher Ads deadline
January 16 End of On-Time Registration
January 28 Hotel Reservations deadline
February 4 Meal Reservations with Payment deadline

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