Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Institute for Law Teaching and Learning—Summer 2015 Conference

Long title
Institute for Law Teaching and Learning—Summer 2015 Conference “Experiential Learning Across The Curriculum”
Conference location
Gonzaga University School of Law—Spokane, Washington
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Institute for Law Teaching and Learning
Gonzaga University School of Law—Spokane, Washington
Sponsor(s)' contact information
Associate Dean Sandra Simpson
ILTL Co-Director

Professor Emily Grant
ILTL Co-Director

Professor Kelly Terry
ILTL Co-Director

Conference Description

The Institute for Law Teaching and Learning invites proposals for conference workshops addressing the many ways that law teachers are incorporating experiential learning in all types of courses. The workshops can address experiential learning in first-year courses, upper-level courses, required courses, electives, or academic support teaching. The workshops can present innovative teaching materials, course designs, curricular or program designs, etc. Each workshop should include materials that participants can use during the workshop and when they return to their campuses. Presenters should model effective teaching methods by actively engaging the workshop participants.

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