Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Fishing for Values

Long title
Teaching Legal Ethics UK: Fishing for Values in Legal Education: why should I want to introduce ethics into the LLB - and what does “ethics” mean in this context?
Conference location
Nottingham Law School
United Kingdom
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
City Law School, London
Nottingham Law School
Higher Education Academy, UK
Sponsor(s)' contact information
Nigel Duncan,
Graham Ferris,
Conference Description
This is the third in a series of interactive workshops under the auspices of ‘Teaching Legal Ethics UK’, initiated by City Law School in collaboration with the Higher Education Academy and other law schools.
This workshop will address issues raised in the Legal Education and Training Review’s Discussion Paper 02/2012: Developing the Detail, which considers the widely-expressed view that there should be some consideration of the relationship between morality and law and the values underpinning the legal system.
In particular, the workshop will consider three topics:
1. Why do we want to introduce ethics into the undergraduate law curriculum?
2. Who should we aim to serve through ethics teaching in legal education?
3. What does it mean to be teaching ethics in legal education?
These will be addressed through interactive workshops making use of participants’ experience and introducing practical examples of the concepts being considered and the learning methods which might be used to address them indifferent contexts.
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