Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

NIFTEP Spring 2012 Workshop (Seattle, WA)

Long title
National Institute for Teaching Ethics and Professionalism Spring 2012 Workshop on Criminal Justice, Seattle Washington
Conference location
Talaris Conference Center, Seattle, Washington
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism
University of Washington School of Law
American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professionalism
American Bar Association Section on Criminal Justice
Sponsor(s)' contact information

Conference Description
NIFTEP's Spring 2012 Workshop will be co-sponsored by the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism, the ABA Section on Criminal Justice and University of Washington School of Law.
The workshop will focus on ethical and professionalism issues in criminal justice.
Friday, June 22-Sunday, June 24, 2012
Talaris Conference Center, Seattle, Washington
The workshop will be a highly participatory event limited to members of the NIFTEP consortium, invited speakers, and 10-15 Fellows selected through an application process. NIFTEP will contact individual participants regarding presentations at the workshop.
We ask that participants arrive to the Seattle airport by 11:30 am or earlier on Friday, June 22, which will allow you to arrive to Talaris in time for the opening luncheon at 1pm. Please do not schedule a departure from the Seattle airport prior to 12:45 pm on Sunday, June 24.
Costs & Reimbursements:
NIFTEP will reimburse participants the cost of ground transportation via taxi or shuttle between the Seattle airport and Talaris Conference Center. Please retain all original receipts to be submitted to Georgia State University.
Workshop Meals:
Friday, June 22: Lunch provided; Dinner on your own
Saturday, June 22: Breakfast & lunch provided; Dinner on your own
Sunday, June 24: Breakfast provided
Contact: NIFTEP Deputy Director Tiffany Roberts,
Applications: The application period has closed and all Fellows for this workshop have been selected. If you are not already on the NIFTEP list, but wish to be placed on the email list to receive notice about this or any other future workshops, including the process for applying, please email NIFTEP Deputy Director Tiffany Roberts ( with "NIFTEP MAILING LIST" in the subject line.
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