Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

SLS Annual Conference

Long title
Society of Legal Scholars Annul Conference
Conference location
Southampton University
United Kingdom
Sponsor organization(s) or institution(s)
Society of Legal Scholars
Sponsor(s)' contact information

Conference Description
The Practice, Profession and Ethics subject section of the Society of Legal Scholars holds meetings on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th September. Speakers and topics include:
1A Fiona M. Kay (Queen's University, Canada)
'Open Doors and Locked Vaults: Ethnic Diversity and Earnings Attainment in the Practice of Law'
1B Hilary Sommerlad (Leeds Metropolitan), Daniel Muzio & Jennifer Tomlinson (Leeds), Lisa Webley & Liz Duff ( Westminster)
'Exploring individual preferences and closure in the English and Welsh legal profession: a report on qualitative research into diversity in the legal services market'
2A Alan Paterson (Strathclyde )
"Regulating the legal profession in the 21st century"
2B Frances Burton (London Metropolitan )
'More rules and regulations? Caging the Monster Costs in Litigation': Some thoughts on the Jackson Report, the plethora of other initiatives and the role of ADR'
2C Liane Atkin (Northumbria )
Service provision change in contracts for legal work, the impact for law firms as employers '.
3A Jacek Kurczewski (Warsaw)
Old profession in new conditions - ethical debates amongst polish lawyers after 1989'
3B Annette Morris (Cardiff )
'Claims for sale: injured ethics?'
3C Joan Loughrey, (Leeds )
'Reforming the Role of the Corporate Lawyer'.
4A. Alwyn Jones (de Montfort )
Teaching ethics' (probably involving Paulo Freire's pedagogy and psychodynamic counselling theory)
4B Nigel Duncan (City )
'An Interactive Resource and Forum for Teachers of Legal Ethics'
Teaching Methods
Teaching Topics

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