Published on International Forum on Teaching Legal Ethics and Professionalism(

Perspectives on Legal Education

Long title
Perspectives on Legal Education: Contemprary responses to the Lord Upjohn Lectures
Author(s) or Book Editor(s)
Ashford, Chris
Duncan, Nigel
Guth, Jessica
Author(s)' contact information
Nigel Duncan
Professor of Legal Education
The City Law School
City University,
4, Gray's Inn Place,London WC1R 5DX
T 00 44 (0)207 040 0352
Dr Jessica Guth
Head of Law
Bradford University
Emm Lane, Bradford, BD9 4JL
+44 (0) 1274 236799

Chris Ashford
Professor of Law and Society
School of Law, Faculty of Business and Law
Northumbria University
City Campus East
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom, NE1 8ST

Book type
Place of publication
United Kingdom
This edited collection offers a critical overview of the major debates in legal education set in the context of the Lord Upjohn Lectures, the annual event that draws together legal educators and professionals in the United Kingdom to consider the major debates and changes in the field.
Presented in a unique format that reproduces extracts from classic lectures alongside contemporary responses from legal education experts, this book offers both an historical overview of how these debates have developed and an up-to date critical commentary on the state of legal education today. As the full impact of the introduction of university fees, the Legal Education and Training Review and the regulators’ responses are felt in law departments across England and Wales, this collection offers a timely reflection on legal education’s legacy, as well as critical debate on how it will develop in the future.
1 The Lord Upjohn Lectures and Legal Education, CHRIS ASHFORD, NIGEL DUNCAN AND JESS GUTH
2 The Rt. Hon. Lord Upjohn, C.B.E., D.L.: Honorary President of the Association of Law Teachers, 1966–1971: An appreciation, I. H. JACOB
3 Forty-first Lord Upjohn Lecture 2012: Reforming Legal Education, RT. HON. LORD NEUBERGER OF ABBOTSBURY
4 Response: A Tale of Two Cities: Reflecting on Lord Neuberger’s ‘Reforming Legal Education’, JULIAN WEBB
5 Fortieth Lord Upjohn Lecture 2011: Widening Participation in a Changing Educational Landscape, WES STREETING
6 Response: Transformation by Education, GRAEME BROADBENT
7 Thirty-ninth Lord Upjohn Lecture 2010: Training the Lawyers of the Future – A Regulator’s View, DAVID EDMONDS
8 Response: Of Competence, Confidence and the Last Chance Saloon, STEPHEN MAYSON
9 Twenty-ninth Lord Upjohn Lecture 2000: The Education, the Justice System Requires Today, LORD WOOLF C.J.
10 Response: Education in Times of Developing Law and Civil Procedure, SIR VIVIAN RAMSEY
11 Fourth Lord Upjohn Lecture 1974: Fact-finding: Art or Science? LORD JUSTICE ORMROD
12 Response: Preparation for Practice: Developing Effective Advocates in a Changing World of Adversarial Civil Justice, NIGEL DUNCAN
13 Thirty-eighth Lord Upjohn Lecture 2009: The Student Contract, BARONESS RUTH DEECH
14 Response: Changing Terms: A Response to Professor Deech, REBECCA HUXLEY-BINNS
15 Sixth Lord Upjohn Lecture 1977: The Law as Taught and the Law as Practised, MR . JUSTICE GOFF
16 How Well Are We Moving Forward in the Principle v Practice Debate in Law? SUSAN BLAKE
17 Tenth Lord Upjohn Lecture 1980: Legal Education and the Needs of the Legal Profession, SIR FREDERICK LAWTON
18 Response: The Needs of the Legal Profession and the Liberal Law School: (Re)negotiating Boundaries, CHRIS ASHFORD
19 Twenty-second Lord Upjohn Lecture 1993: The Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Legal Education and the Legal Profession, LORD GRIFFITHS OF GOVILON M.C.
20 Response: From Gavotte to Techno – But the Dance Goes On, JOHN HODGSON
21 Eleventh Lord Upjohn Lecture 1981: The Teaching of the Law and Politics, J. A. G. GRIFFITH
22 Response: But It Still Goes On: The Teaching of Law and Politics in 2015, ANTHONY BRADNEY
23 Twenty-fifth Lord Upjohn Lecture 1996: The Integration of Teaching and Research in the Law Department, DAWN OLIVER
24 Fostering Curiosity: The Importance of Research and Teaching in Law Schools. A Response to Dawn Oliver, JESSICA GUTH
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